Welcome everyone to the new Home Of The Ben. If you’re here from Royal Road, glad to see you! I know I’ve been out of contact for a bit, but that’s because… Well, I’ve been setting up this place and working on like a billion other things at once, and getting sick, and… Well. All sorts of stuff. It’s been kinda hectic in Ben’s life these past couple months!

Okay so, big things first. Dungeon Man Sam 2 has an official release date! December 26 of this year. Yes, in just under a week. Yes, I’m still editing the dang thing (It’s taken a lot more work than I expected). Yes, that means I’m probably going to, just like the last one, get it out on time just by the skin of my teeth. But that’s okay, because dang it it’s gonna happen!

Second, Dungeon Man Sam 1 has an audio book out on Audible! So if you’ve been waiting to hear Sam and Araxes argue audibly, now’s your chance to get it!


Third, from now until release I have the Royal Road version of DMS 2 up for download in epub form.

You can get it here:

(Link Removed due to Kindle Unlimited Exclusivity Requirements. If you still want a copy of the RR version, DM me on the site or send me an email through the Contact Me page and I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out)

I apologize it’s taken me such a long time to get it up for anyone interested. Like I said, these past few months have kinda been chaos personified.

And that’s pretty much it for the big stuff! I’ll be using this space to post new updates and stuff, and I’ll also be getting a newsletter up and running soon so anyone interested can sign up and get more information on the life of Ben and the various upcoming things I have in the pipeline.



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